No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on Google and Google's advertising network. Connect with potential customers at the magic moment they're searching for your products or services, and only pay when people click your ads.
Pay Per Click Keyword Matching Tips
Try keyword matching options to narrow your searches.With keyword matching options, you can refine your searches even furtherby specifying whether you want your ad to appear only for certain searcheson your keywords.Examples:
• Broad match. Simply enter your keyword: Home BusinessAd shows when users search on the keywords Home and Business,regardless of other search terms used or of the order in which theyare entered.
• Exact match. Use brackets around your keyword: [Home Business]Ad shows when users search only on the phrase Home Business. Adwill not show if red Home Business is searched.
• Phrase match. Use quotes around your keyword: "Home Business"Ad shows when the phrase Home Business is searched, but search cancontain other terms. Ad will show for internet Home Business but not forbusiness for home.
• Negative keyword. Use a dash before your keyword: -internetIf your keyword is Home Business and your negative keyword is internet,your ad will not show if a user searches on internet Home Business.