These Adsense advantages will help you understand just why so many website owners rave about Adsense! It really is a fantastic program.
Adsense - the advantages
If you're new to making websites, Adsense is ideal
If you're planning or building your first website, it pays to keep Adsense in mind as an initial source of income.
Once you have a reasonable amount of traffic, you can put Adsense on your site and earn at least enough money to pay for your website costs, which is great for a start.
It's free to use
You don't pay anything to join Adsense or use it. All the tools you get to place and track ads are free, and there is help available for any questions you may have.
It's simple to use
A fab Adsense advantage: copy and paste the Adsense code into your pages and you're done. Obviously, if you're serious about making some decent money with Adsense, you'll be planning to build a quality website for your visitors; and you'll also be testing and tracking your ad performance - which brings us onto...
Simple to test and track
You can test the performance of different ads. It's really not hard to do. You simply create your ad, attach a tracking code to it, and check your reports for a week or a month to see if there is any difference in click throughs.
For example - did the ad with a blue border attract more clicks than the ad with a gray border? Or did the ad with no border at all get the most clicks and earn me the most money?
Adsense does the hard work
This Adsense advantage saves you so much time and hassle; imagine having to sort out arrangements with various advertisers yourself? Most of us wouldn't have a clue where to start!
You can earn good money with Adsense
Here's one of the major Adsense advantages - Adsense really can provide you with a healthy income - if your site gets good visitors. It's an ideal way for webmasters with small, successful websites or blogs to start earning money as part of your mixture of money-making efforts.
You can use Adsense on more than one site
Once you've got some experience from your first site, there's nothing to stop you building a second site about another area of interest to you, and monetizing that with Adsense as well.